Course curriculum

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    Chapter 1 - Pathology Recognition

    • Pathology Checklist

    • Pathology Training

    • Quiz: Pathology recognition

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    Chapter 2 - Shoulder pathology

    • Biceps pathology

    • Pectoralis major and subscapularis pathology

    • Supraspinatus tendinopathy - part 1

    • Supraspinatus tendinopathy - part 2

    • Supraspinatus partial tears

    • Supraspinatus full thickness tears - part 1

    • Supraspinatus full thickness tears - part 2

    • AC joint and infraspinatus pathology

    • Quiz: Shoulder pathology

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    Chapter 3 - Elbow pathology

    • Common extensor tendon pathology

    • Ventral elbow pathology

    • Medial and dorsal elbow pathology

    • Quiz: Elbow pathology

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    Chapter 4 - Wrist pathology

    • Dorsal wrist pathology

    • Carpal tunnel pathology

    • Quiz: Wrist pathology