Course curriculum

  • 1

    Long head of biceps tendon

    • Welcome & Introduction

    • Long head of biceps tendon anatomy

    • Long head of biceps tendon sonoanatomy

    • Long head of the biceps tendon scanning - transverse

    • Long head of biceps tendon - sonopathology

    • Quiz: Long head of the biceps tendon

  • 2

    Rotator interval

    • Rotator interval - anatomy

    • Rotator interval - sonoanatomy

    • Rotator interval scanning - transverse & longitudinal

    • Rotator interval - sonopathology

    • Quiz: Rotator interval

    • Article: The Rotator Interval – A Link Between Anatomy and Ultrasound 2017

  • 3

    Pectoralis major & Lattissimus dorsi

    • Pectoralis major and Lattissimus dorsi - anatomy

    • Pectoralis major and Lattissimus dorsi - sonoanatomy

    • Pectoralis major and lattissimus dorsi scanning - longitudinal

    • Pectoralis major scanning - transverse

    • Pectoralis major and Lattissimus dorsi - sonopathology

    • Quiz: Pectoralis major and Lattisimus dorsi

    • Article: Pectoralis major tears- anatomy, classification, and diagnosis with ultrasound and MR imaging 2014

  • 4


    • Subscapularis - anatomy

    • Subscapularis - sonoanatomy

    • Subscapularis scanning - longitudinal

    • Subscapularis scanning - transverse

    • Subscapularis - sonopathology

    • Quiz: Subscapularis

    • Article: Subscapularis Tendon Tear Classification Based on 3-Dimensional Anatomic Footprint- A Cadaveric and Prospective Clinical Observational Study 2015

  • 5

    Coracoid process

    • Coracoid process - anatomy

    • Coracoid process - sonoanatomy

    • Coracoid process bone scanning - transverse & longitudinal

    • Coracoid process muscles scanning - transverse & longitudinal

    • Coracoid process ligaments scanning - longitudinal

    • Coracoid process effusions - sonopathology

    • Coracoid process miscelleaneous - sonopathology

    • Quiz: Coracoid process

    • Article: Sonography ofthe Coracoid Process Region 2016

  • 6


    • Supraspinatus anatomy

    • Supraspinatus sonoanatomy

    • Supraspinatus tendon scanning - transverse

    • Supraspinatus tendon scanning - longitudinal

    • Acromial impingement scanning - longitudinal

    • Coracoacromial impingement scanning - transverse & longitudinal

    • Supraspinatus muscle scanning - transverse

    • Rotator cuff calcification - sonopathology

    • Supraspinatus tendinopathy - sonopathology

    • Supraspinatus impingement - sonopathology

    • General supraspinatus tears - sonopathology

    • Supraspinatus Partial tears - sonopathology

    • Supraspinatus FTPW & complete tears - sonopathology

    • Supraspinatus muscle - sonopathology

    • Quiz: Supraspinatus

    • Article: Ultrasound Appearance of the Migration of Tendon Calcifications 2019

  • 7

    AC-joint, SC-joint & Clavicula

    • AC-joint, SC-joint & Clavicula - anatomy

    • AC-joint, SC-joint & Clavicula - sonoanatomy

    • AC joint scanning - transverse & longitudinal

    • SC joint scanning - longitudinal

    • Clavicula scanning - transverse & longitudinal

    • AC-joint - sonopathology

    • SC-joint & Clavicula - sonopathology

    • Quiz: AC-joint, SC-joint & Clavicula

    • Article: Acromioclavicular osteoarthritis and shoulder pain - a review of the role of ultrasonography 2020

  • 8

    Infraspinatus & Teres Minor

    • Infraspinatus & Teres Minor - anatomy

    • Infraspinatus & Teres Minor - sonoanatomy

    • Infraspinatus & Teres Minor scanning - longitudinal

    • Infraspinatus & Teres Minor scanning - transverse

    • Infraspinatus & Teres Minor tendon - sonopathology

    • Infraspinatus & Teres Minor muscle - sonopathology

    • Quiz: Infraspinatus & Teres Minor

    • Article: Tears at the myotendinous junction of the infraspinatus 2015

  • 9


    • Axilla - anatomy

    • Axilla - sonoanatomy

    • Axilla scanning - longitudinal

    • Axilla scanning - transverse

    • Axilla - sonopathology

    • Quiz: Axilla

    • Article: Axillary Sonography of the Shoulder 2018

  • 10

    Glenohumeral Joint

    • Glenohumeral joint - anatomy

    • Glenohumeral joint - sonoanatomy

    • Anterior glenohumeral joint scanning - longitudinal

    • Posterior glenohumeral joint scanning - longitudinal

    • Inferior glenohumeral joint scanning - transverse

    • Glenohumeral joint - sonopathology

    • Frozen shoulder - sonopathology

    • Quiz: Glenohumeral joint

    • Article: The use of ultrasound in the assessment of the glenoid labrum of the glenohumeral joint. Part II- Examples of labral pathologies 2012

    • Closing

  • 11

    What's next on your shoulder learning curve?

    • Suggested online and/or hands-on training to boost your shoulder skills to the next level 🚀

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    More articles 📖

    • ARTICLE: Ultrasound evaluation of bursae- anatomy and pathological appearances 2017

    • ARTCLE: Clinical indications for musculoskeletal ultrasound ESSR consensus 2018

    • ARTICLE: Recommended musculoskeletal and sports ultrasound terminology a Delphi based consensus statement 2022