Course curriculum

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    Welcome to this course!

    • Introduction by Robert Wonink

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    Anterior ankle joint

    • Anterior ankle joint anatomy

    • Anterior ankle joint sonoanatomy

    • Anterior ankle joint longitudinal

    • Anterior talocrural joint scanning

    • Anterior ankle joint sonopathology

    • Quiz: Anterior ankle joint

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    Peroneal tendons

    • Peroneals - anatomy

    • Peroneals - sonoanatomy

    • Peroneals scanning - longitudinal and transverse

    • Peroneals - sonopathology

    • Article: Ultrasound Features of Ankle Retinacula Normal Appearance and Pathologic Findings 2019

    • Article: The peroneus longus muscle and tendon: a review of its anatomy and pathology 2019

    • Article: US in peroneal tendon tear 2014

    • Quiz: peroneal tendons

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    Flexor hallucis longus tendon

    • Accessory flexor hallucis longus anatomy

    • Accessory flexor hallucis longus sonoanatomy

    • Flexor hallucis longus tendon scanning - longitudinal

    • Flexor hallucis longus tendon scanning - transverse

    • Accessory flexor hallucis longus sonopathology

    • Article: Disorders of the Flexor Hallucis Longus and Os Trigonum 2015

    • Article: Posterior Ankle Impingement and Flexor Hallucis Longus Pathology 2020

    • Quiz: Flexor hallucis longus tendon

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    Retrotalar pulley

    • Retrotalar pulley anatomy

    • Retrotalar pulley sonoanatomy

    • Retrotalar pulley scanning - longitudinal

    • Retrotalar pulley sonopathology

    • Article: Functional hallux rigidus in high level athletes: Arthroscopic repair by flexor hallucis longus debridement 2022

    • Article: Identification of the retrotalar pulley of the Flexor Hallucis Longus tendon 2019

    • Article: Flexor Hallucis Longus decompression under ultrasound guidance: A cadaver study 2023

    • Quiz: Retrotalar pulley

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    Calcaneal canal

    • Calcaneal canal and the Knot of Henry anatomy

    • Calcaneal canal and the Knot of Henry sonoanatomy

    • FHL in the calcaneal canal excursion scanning - longitudinal

    • Knot of Henry scanning - longitudinal

    • FHL in the calcaneal canal and the knot of Henry sonopathology

    • Article: Ultrasonographic test for detecting the chiasma plantare formation between the fexor hallucis longus and fexor digitorum longus 2021

    • Article: An Anatomic Study of the Quadratus Plantae in Relation to Tendinous Slips of the Flexor Hallucis Longus for Gait Analysis 2011

    • Article: Dynamic Ultrasound Assessment and Guided Medial Plantar Nerve Hydrodissection for Master Knot of Henry Syndrome 2024

    • Quiz: Calcaneal canal

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    • Sesamoids anatomy

    • Sesamoids sonoanatomy

    • Sesamoids scanning- longitudinal

    • Sesamoids scanning - transverse

    • Sesamoids sonopathology

    • Article: Hallux sesamoid complex imaging: a practical diagnostic approach

    • Quiz: Sesamoids

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    Flexor tendon sheaths

    • Flexor tendon sheaths anatomy

    • Flexor tendon sheaths sonoanatomy

    • Flexor tendon sheaths scanning - longitudinal

    • Flexor tendon sheaths sonopathology

    • Article: High-Resolution Ultrasound of the Forefoot and Common Pathologies 2022

    • Quiz: Flexor tendon sheaths

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    Posterior tibialis tendon (retromalleolar)

    • Posterior tibialis tendon anatomy

    • Posterior tibialis tendon sonoanatomy

    • Posterior tibialis tendon retromalleolar part - transverse

    • Posterior tibialis tendon retromalleolar part - longitudinal

    • Posterior tibialis tendon groove - transverse

    • Posterior tibialis tendon sonopathology

    • Article: Ultrasound in the Diagnosis of Posterior Tibial Tendon Pathology 1996

    • Article: Prevalence of Abnormal Ultrasound Findings in Asymptomatic Posterior Tibial Tendons 2020

    • Article: Ultrasound Features of Ankle Retinacula 2019

    • Quiz: Posterior tibialis tendon

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    Posterior tibialis tendon (inframalleolar)

    • Posterior tibialis tendon inframalleolar part anatomy

    • Posterior tibialis tendon inframalleolar part sonoanatomy

    • Posterior tibialis tendon inframalleolar part - longitudinal

    • Posterior tibialis tendon inframalleolar part - transverse

    • Posterior tibialis tendon inframalleolar part sonopathology

    • Article: The tibialis posterior tendon footprint: an anatomical dissection study 2020

    • Article: Clinical Use of High-Resolution Ultrasonography for the Diagnosis of Type II Accessory Navicular Bone 2012

    • Quiz: Posterior tibialis tendon (inframalleolar)

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    Subtalar joint

    • Subtalar joint anatomy

    • Subtalar joint sonoanatomy

    • Subtalar joint - posteromedial

    • Subtalar joint - posterolateral

    • Subtalar joint sonopathology

    • Article: Sonographic and anatomic description of the subtalar joint 2018

    • Article: Ultrasound of Subtalar Joint Synovitis in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis

    • Article: Imaging of the Subtalar Joint 2015

    • Quiz: Subtalar joint

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    Tibial nerve

    • Tibial nerve anatomy

    • Tibial nerve sonoanatomy

    • Tibial nerve scanning - transverse

    • Tibial nerve scanning - longitudinal

    • Tibial nerve sonopathology

    • Article: Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome An Ultrasound Pictorial Review 2022

    • Article: Anatomic Delineation of Tarsal Tunnel Innervation via Ultrasonography 2017

    • Article: Ultrasound facilitates the diagnosis of tarsal tunnel syndrome: intraneural ganglion cyst of the tibial nerve 2018

    • Quiz: Tibial nerve

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    Sustentaculum tali

    • Sustentaculum tali anatomy

    • Sustentaculum tali sonoanatomy

    • Sustentaculum tali scanning - longitudinal

    • Sustentaculum tali sonopathology

    • Article: Significance of the anatomical relationship between the flexor digitorum longus and sustentaculum tali 2022

    • Quiz: Sustentaculum tali

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    Deltoid ligament

    • Ultrasound assessment of the Deltoid ligament

    • Deltoid ligament sonopathology

    • Article: Ultrasonographic Assessment of Deltoid Ligament Integrity in Ankle Fractures 2019

    • Article: Ultrasound Examination of the Ligament Complex Within the Medial Aspect of the Ankle and Foot 2022

    • Article: Ultrasound findings of the deltoid ligament in patients with acute ankle sprains 2023

    • Article: Extremity CT and ultrasound in the assessment of ankle injuries: occult fractures and ligament injuries 2020

    • Article: Anatomy of the DeltoidSpring Ligament Complex 2020

    • Quiz: Deltoid ligament

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    Superomedial and tibiospringligament

    • Superomedial and tibiospring ligament anatomy

    • Superomedial and tibiospring ligament sonoanatomy

    • Superomedial and tibiospring ligament scanning - longitudinal

    • Superomedial and tibiospring ligament sonopathology

    • Article: Ankle and midfoot ligaments- Ultrasound with anatomical correlation- A review 2018

    • Article: Spring Ligament Complex and Posterior Tibial Tendon: MR Anatomy and Findings in Acquired Adult Flatfoot Deformity 2016

    • Article: Anatomy of the ankle ligaments: a pictorial essay 2010

    • Article: Ultrasound Examination of the Ligament Complex Within the Medial Aspect of the Ankle and Foot 2022

    • Quiz: Superomedial and tibiospring ligament

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    Accessory navicular / Os tibiale externum

    • OTE / Accessory navicular / os tibiale externum anatomy

    • OTE / Accessory navicular / os tibiale externum sonoanatomy

    • OTE / Accessory navicular / os tibiale externum - longitudinal

    • OTE / Accessory navicular / os tibiale externum sonopathology

    • Article: Clinical Use of High-Resolution Ultrasonography for the Diagnosis of Type II Accessory Navicular Bone 2012

    • Quiz: Accessory navicular / os tibiale externum

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    First tarsometatarsal / Talonavicular joint

    • First tarsometatarsal / Talonavicular joint anatomy

    • First tarsometatarsal / Talonavicular joint sonoanatomy

    • First tarsometatarsal joint dorsal, medial and plantar part - longitudinal

    • Talonavicular joint / Chopart - longitidunal

    • First tarsometatarsal / Talonavicular joint sonopathology

    • Article: Relationship between joint structure of the frst tarsometatarsal joint and its degeneration 2024

    • Quiz: First tarsometatarsal / Talonavicular joint

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    Anterior tibial tendon distal part

    • Anterior tibial tendon distal part anatomy

    • Anterior tibial tendon distal part sonoanatomy

    • Anterior tibial tendon distal part scanning - transverse

    • Anterior tibial tendon distal part scanning - longitudinal

    • Anterior tibial tendon distal part sonopathology

    • Article: Anatomical variations of the tibialis anterior tendon 2020

    • Quiz: tibialis anterior distal part

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    Plantar fat pad

    • Plantar fat pad anatomy

    • Plantar fat pad anatomy sonoanatomy

    • Plantar fat pad scanning - transverse

    • Plantar fat pad scanning - longitudinal

    • Plantar fat pad sonopathology

    • Article: Heel fat pad syndrome beyond acute plantar fascitis 2021

    • Article: Lesions of the heel fat pad 2020

    • Quiz: Plantar fat pad

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    Plantar common digital nerve and the dorsal digital nerve

    • Plantar common digital nerve and the dorsal digital nerve anatomy

    • Plantar common digital nerve and the dorsal digital nerve sonoanatomy

    • Plantar common digital nerve and the dorsal digital nerve - longitudinal

    • Plantar common digital nerve and the dorsal digital nerve - transverse

    • Plantar common digital nerve and the dorsal digital nerve sonopathology

    • Article: High-Resolution Ultrasound of the Forefoot and Common Pathologies 2022

    • Article: Morton’s neuroma: review of anatomy, pathomechanism, and imaging 2020

    • Article: Intra- and Interobserver Reliability of Size Measurement of Morton Neuromas on Sonography 2018

    • Article: Diagnostic Accuracy of Clinical Tests for Morton’s Neuroma Compared with Ultrasonography 2015

    • Quiz: Plantar common digital nerve and the dorsal digital nerve

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    Intermetatarsocapital lumen

    • Intermetatarsocapital lumen anatomy

    • Intermetatarsocapital lumen sonoanatomy

    • Intermetatarsocapital lumen scanning - longitudinal

    • Intermetatarsocapital lumen sonopathology

    • Article: Intermetatarsal bursitis as first disease manifestation in different rheumatological disorders and related MR‐imaging findings 2019

    • Article: Intermetatarsal Spaces: Analysis with MR Bursography, Anatomic Correlation, and Histopathology in Cadavers 2001

    • Article: The role of fasciae in Civinini–Morton’s syndrome 2015

    • Quiz: Intermetatasocapital lumen

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    What's next?

    • Thank you for completing the course!

    • Suggested online and/or hands-on training to boost your ankle/foot skills to the next level 🚀

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    More Articles 📖

    • Article: Recommended musculoskeletal and sports ultrasound terminology a Delphi based consensus statement 2022

    • Article: Clinical indications for musculoskeletal ultrasound ESSR consensus 2018

    • Journal: Journal of Ultrasonography 2023; 23 (94)

    • Article: Ankle and Foot Ultrasound; Reliability of Side-to-Side Comparison of Small Anatomic Structures 2018