Course curriculum
Welcome to this course!
Introduction by Robert Wonink
Anterior ankle joint
Anterior ankle joint anatomy
Anterior ankle joint sonoanatomy
Anterior ankle joint longitudinal
Anterior talocrural joint scanning
Anterior ankle joint sonopathology
Quiz: Anterior ankle joint
Peroneal tendons
Peroneals - anatomy
Peroneals - sonoanatomy
Peroneals scanning - longitudinal and transverse
Peroneals - sonopathology
Article: Ultrasound Features of Ankle Retinacula Normal Appearance and Pathologic Findings 2019
Article: The peroneus longus muscle and tendon: a review of its anatomy and pathology 2019
Article: US in peroneal tendon tear 2014
Quiz: peroneal tendons
Flexor hallucis longus tendon
Accessory flexor hallucis longus anatomy
Accessory flexor hallucis longus sonoanatomy
Flexor hallucis longus tendon scanning - longitudinal
Flexor hallucis longus tendon scanning - transverse
Accessory flexor hallucis longus sonopathology
Article: Disorders of the Flexor Hallucis Longus and Os Trigonum 2015
Article: Posterior Ankle Impingement and Flexor Hallucis Longus Pathology 2020
Quiz: Flexor hallucis longus tendon
Retrotalar pulley
Retrotalar pulley anatomy
Retrotalar pulley sonoanatomy
Retrotalar pulley scanning - longitudinal
Retrotalar pulley sonopathology
Article: Functional hallux rigidus in high level athletes: Arthroscopic repair by flexor hallucis longus debridement 2022
Article: Identification of the retrotalar pulley of the Flexor Hallucis Longus tendon 2019
Article: Flexor Hallucis Longus decompression under ultrasound guidance: A cadaver study 2023
Quiz: Retrotalar pulley
Calcaneal canal
Calcaneal canal and the Knot of Henry anatomy
Calcaneal canal and the Knot of Henry sonoanatomy
FHL in the calcaneal canal excursion scanning - longitudinal
Knot of Henry scanning - longitudinal
FHL in the calcaneal canal and the knot of Henry sonopathology
Article: Ultrasonographic test for detecting the chiasma plantare formation between the fexor hallucis longus and fexor digitorum longus 2021
Article: An Anatomic Study of the Quadratus Plantae in Relation to Tendinous Slips of the Flexor Hallucis Longus for Gait Analysis 2011
Article: Dynamic Ultrasound Assessment and Guided Medial Plantar Nerve Hydrodissection for Master Knot of Henry Syndrome 2024
Quiz: Calcaneal canal
Sesamoids anatomy
Sesamoids sonoanatomy
Sesamoids scanning- longitudinal
Sesamoids scanning - transverse
Sesamoids sonopathology
Article: Hallux sesamoid complex imaging: a practical diagnostic approach
Quiz: Sesamoids
Flexor tendon sheaths
Flexor tendon sheaths anatomy
Flexor tendon sheaths sonoanatomy
Flexor tendon sheaths scanning - longitudinal
Flexor tendon sheaths sonopathology
Article: High-Resolution Ultrasound of the Forefoot and Common Pathologies 2022
Quiz: Flexor tendon sheaths
Posterior tibialis tendon (retromalleolar)
Posterior tibialis tendon anatomy
Posterior tibialis tendon sonoanatomy
Posterior tibialis tendon retromalleolar part - transverse
Posterior tibialis tendon retromalleolar part - longitudinal
Posterior tibialis tendon groove - transverse
Posterior tibialis tendon sonopathology
Article: Ultrasound in the Diagnosis of Posterior Tibial Tendon Pathology 1996
Article: Prevalence of Abnormal Ultrasound Findings in Asymptomatic Posterior Tibial Tendons 2020
Article: Ultrasound Features of Ankle Retinacula 2019
Quiz: Posterior tibialis tendon
Posterior tibialis tendon (inframalleolar)
Posterior tibialis tendon inframalleolar part anatomy
Posterior tibialis tendon inframalleolar part sonoanatomy
Posterior tibialis tendon inframalleolar part - longitudinal
Posterior tibialis tendon inframalleolar part - transverse
Posterior tibialis tendon inframalleolar part sonopathology
Article: The tibialis posterior tendon footprint: an anatomical dissection study 2020
Article: Clinical Use of High-Resolution Ultrasonography for the Diagnosis of Type II Accessory Navicular Bone 2012
Quiz: Posterior tibialis tendon (inframalleolar)
Subtalar joint
Subtalar joint anatomy
Subtalar joint sonoanatomy
Subtalar joint - posteromedial
Subtalar joint - posterolateral
Subtalar joint sonopathology
Article: Sonographic and anatomic description of the subtalar joint 2018
Article: Ultrasound of Subtalar Joint Synovitis in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
Article: Imaging of the Subtalar Joint 2015
Quiz: Subtalar joint
Tibial nerve
Tibial nerve anatomy
Tibial nerve sonoanatomy
Tibial nerve scanning - transverse
Tibial nerve scanning - longitudinal
Tibial nerve sonopathology
Article: Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome An Ultrasound Pictorial Review 2022
Article: Anatomic Delineation of Tarsal Tunnel Innervation via Ultrasonography 2017
Article: Ultrasound facilitates the diagnosis of tarsal tunnel syndrome: intraneural ganglion cyst of the tibial nerve 2018
Quiz: Tibial nerve
Sustentaculum tali
Sustentaculum tali anatomy
Sustentaculum tali sonoanatomy
Sustentaculum tali scanning - longitudinal
Sustentaculum tali sonopathology
Article: Significance of the anatomical relationship between the flexor digitorum longus and sustentaculum tali 2022
Quiz: Sustentaculum tali
Deltoid ligament
Ultrasound assessment of the Deltoid ligament
Deltoid ligament sonopathology
Article: Ultrasonographic Assessment of Deltoid Ligament Integrity in Ankle Fractures 2019
Article: Ultrasound Examination of the Ligament Complex Within the Medial Aspect of the Ankle and Foot 2022
Article: Ultrasound findings of the deltoid ligament in patients with acute ankle sprains 2023
Article: Extremity CT and ultrasound in the assessment of ankle injuries: occult fractures and ligament injuries 2020
Article: Anatomy of the DeltoidSpring Ligament Complex 2020
Quiz: Deltoid ligament
Superomedial and tibiospringligament
Superomedial and tibiospring ligament anatomy
Superomedial and tibiospring ligament sonoanatomy
Superomedial and tibiospring ligament scanning - longitudinal
Superomedial and tibiospring ligament sonopathology
Article: Ankle and midfoot ligaments- Ultrasound with anatomical correlation- A review 2018
Article: Spring Ligament Complex and Posterior Tibial Tendon: MR Anatomy and Findings in Acquired Adult Flatfoot Deformity 2016
Article: Anatomy of the ankle ligaments: a pictorial essay 2010
Article: Ultrasound Examination of the Ligament Complex Within the Medial Aspect of the Ankle and Foot 2022
Quiz: Superomedial and tibiospring ligament
Accessory navicular / Os tibiale externum
OTE / Accessory navicular / os tibiale externum anatomy
OTE / Accessory navicular / os tibiale externum sonoanatomy
OTE / Accessory navicular / os tibiale externum - longitudinal
OTE / Accessory navicular / os tibiale externum sonopathology
Article: Clinical Use of High-Resolution Ultrasonography for the Diagnosis of Type II Accessory Navicular Bone 2012
Quiz: Accessory navicular / os tibiale externum
First tarsometatarsal / Talonavicular joint
First tarsometatarsal / Talonavicular joint anatomy
First tarsometatarsal / Talonavicular joint sonoanatomy
First tarsometatarsal joint dorsal, medial and plantar part - longitudinal
Talonavicular joint / Chopart - longitidunal
First tarsometatarsal / Talonavicular joint sonopathology
Article: Relationship between joint structure of the frst tarsometatarsal joint and its degeneration 2024
Quiz: First tarsometatarsal / Talonavicular joint
Anterior tibial tendon distal part
Anterior tibial tendon distal part anatomy
Anterior tibial tendon distal part sonoanatomy
Anterior tibial tendon distal part scanning - transverse
Anterior tibial tendon distal part scanning - longitudinal
Anterior tibial tendon distal part sonopathology
Article: Anatomical variations of the tibialis anterior tendon 2020
Quiz: tibialis anterior distal part
Plantar fat pad
Plantar fat pad anatomy
Plantar fat pad anatomy sonoanatomy
Plantar fat pad scanning - transverse
Plantar fat pad scanning - longitudinal
Plantar fat pad sonopathology
Article: Heel fat pad syndrome beyond acute plantar fascitis 2021
Article: Lesions of the heel fat pad 2020
Quiz: Plantar fat pad
Plantar common digital nerve and the dorsal digital nerve
Plantar common digital nerve and the dorsal digital nerve anatomy
Plantar common digital nerve and the dorsal digital nerve sonoanatomy
Plantar common digital nerve and the dorsal digital nerve - longitudinal
Plantar common digital nerve and the dorsal digital nerve - transverse
Plantar common digital nerve and the dorsal digital nerve sonopathology
Article: High-Resolution Ultrasound of the Forefoot and Common Pathologies 2022
Article: Morton’s neuroma: review of anatomy, pathomechanism, and imaging 2020
Article: Intra- and Interobserver Reliability of Size Measurement of Morton Neuromas on Sonography 2018
Article: Diagnostic Accuracy of Clinical Tests for Morton’s Neuroma Compared with Ultrasonography 2015
Quiz: Plantar common digital nerve and the dorsal digital nerve
Intermetatarsocapital lumen
Intermetatarsocapital lumen anatomy
Intermetatarsocapital lumen sonoanatomy
Intermetatarsocapital lumen scanning - longitudinal
Intermetatarsocapital lumen sonopathology
Article: Intermetatarsal bursitis as first disease manifestation in different rheumatological disorders and related MR‐imaging findings 2019
Article: Intermetatarsal Spaces: Analysis with MR Bursography, Anatomic Correlation, and Histopathology in Cadavers 2001
Article: The role of fasciae in Civinini–Morton’s syndrome 2015
Quiz: Intermetatasocapital lumen
What's next?
Thank you for completing the course!
Suggested online and/or hands-on training to boost your ankle/foot skills to the next level 🚀
More Articles 📖
Article: Recommended musculoskeletal and sports ultrasound terminology a Delphi based consensus statement 2022
Article: Clinical indications for musculoskeletal ultrasound ESSR consensus 2018
Journal: Journal of Ultrasonography 2023; 23 (94)
Article: Ankle and Foot Ultrasound; Reliability of Side-to-Side Comparison of Small Anatomic Structures 2018