Course curriculum
Glenohumeral joint
Glenohumeral joint - anatomy
Glenohumeral joint - sonoanatomy
Anterior labrum - Centralization humeral head anterior posterior - LAX
Dorsal Labrum and posterior recess and centralization humeral head posterior anterior - LAX
Inferior labrum - Centralization humeral head inferior - posterior- LAX
Quiz: Glenohumeral joint (sono)anatomy
Pathology labrum
Pathology GH osteoarthritis
Glenohumeral joint - sonopathology
Glenohumeral joint case #1
Glenohumeral joint case #2
Glenohumeral joint case #3
Glenohumeral joint case #4
Glenohumeral joint case #5
Glenohumeral joint case #6
Glenohumeral joint case #7
Glenohumeral joint case #8
Glenohumeral joint case #9
Clinical shoulder tests: Anterior instability
Clinical shoulder tests: Gh osteoarthritis
Clinical shoulder tests: Labral complex
Clinical shoulder tests: Posterior tightness
Quiz: Glenohumeral joint (sono)pathology
Brachial plexus - anatomy
Brachial plexus part 1 - sonoanatomy
Brachial plexus part 2 - sonoanatomy
Quiz: Nerves (sono)anatomy
Brachial plexus - sonopathology
Suprascapular nerve - anatomy and sonoanatomy
Suprascapular nerve in supraspinous notch
Suprascapular nerve in spinoglenoid notch
Axillary nerve and quadrilateral space - anatomy and sonoanatomy
Axillary nerve : quadrilateral space - SAX
Nerves - sonopathology
Want to learn more...?
Quiz: Nerves (sono)pathology
Serratus anterior muscle - (sono)anatomy
Serratus anterior muscle - demonstration
Trapezius muscle - (sono)anatomy
Trapezius muscle - demonstration
Rhomboid muscle - (sono)anatomy
Rhomboid muscle - demonstration
Levator scapula - (sono)anatomy
Clinical shoulder tests: Scapula
Quiz: Scapular
Normal findings ultrasound
Putting things together
Shoulder protocol positions - what, when, where
What's next
Recommended reading
Inferior glenohumeral ligament (IGHL) complex- anatomy, injuries, imaging features, and treatment options 2016
Anatomy of the capsulolabral complex and rotator interval related to glenohumeral instability 2015
Ultrasound of glenoid labrum with MR arthrographic correlation 2020
Shoulder Bankart lesion with posterior instability- A case report of ultrasound detection 2017
The use of ultrasound in the assessment of the glenoid labrum of the glenohumeral joint. Part II- Examples of labral pathologies 2012
Anatomy, Imaging, and Pathologic Conditions of the Brachial Plexus 2020
Ultrasound-guided interventional procedures for cervical pain 2013
High-Resolution Ultrasound of Small Clinically Relevant Nerves Running Across the Posterior Triangle of the Neck 2020
Neuromuscular ultrasound of the scapular stabilisers in healthy subjects 2021
Sonographic tracking of trunk nerves- essential for ultrasound-guided pain management and research 2017
What's next on your shoulder learning curve?
Suggested online and/or hands-on training to boost your shoulder skills to the next level 🚀